More than an Aesthetic


It is detachable fumigation machine for one person, and it allows the user to enjoy steam spa which is helpful for body circulation, and intensive fumigation, at the same time. It is whole body fumigation machine developed for the first itme in Korea.

The steam seat developed by U-MINE for the first time in Korea is excellent in regulating balances in skin and body by steamizing prebiotics liquid state and seed liquid state, and penetrating the steam deeply into body. In particular, by doing intensive fumigation, females can get the best effect in a short period of time.

  • Combination of fumigation and spa

    Healing spa doing intensive care of body with steam

  • Liquid state steam spa

    Intensive care using prebiotics and far infrared ray liquid state

  • Intensive fumigation

    Whole body care system for men and women and old and young

Merit 1 of the U-MINE whole body fumigater

Combination of fumigation and whole body healing spa 'Effective care for circulation'

By doing steam spa using mineral liquid state based on far extrared ray principle, it helps circulation of whole body.

'Effective care for skin'

It is helpful to problematic and sensitive skin by doing steam spa using prebiotics liquid state.

Merit 2 of the U-MINE whole body fumigater

'Intensive fumigation spa for woman health'

By steamizing specific liquid state, it helps female fumigation.

'Nano ultrasonic fumigation effect'

It is nano ultrasonic fumigater for women developed for the first time in Korea. It allows woman to enjoy one-person healing spa. Using liquid state steam without color and smell, user can enjoy smell-less high-quality steam spa and fumigation at the same time.

Merit 3 of the U-MINE whole body fumigater

'If intensive fumigation function is turned off'

It can be used by anyone regardless of age and gender.

'If intensive fumigation function is turned on'

it can be used by women.

'Excellent effect of steam spa'

It was developed for the first time in Korea to make the user care her or his body by helping body circulation before entering into specific cares on hair loss, skin, body, before and after childbirth, and diet.