More than an Aesthetic


Prebiotics stimulates growth of beneficial bacteria on the skin, and eliminates harmful bacteria causing skin troubles and skin aging.

Prebiotics is indigestible substance, and serve as nutrient of probiotics, stimulatewing growth of baqcteria beneficial to skin, and improves skin environment. Prebiotics is likely to be composed of carbohydrates like oligosaccharide, and mostly exists as the form of dietary fiber. It is dietary fiber nutrient used as food of microbes (lactic acid bacteria) beneficial to skin. If it is used properly, beneficial bacteria increase and harmful ones die away.

  • Prebiotics

    Exists as dietary fiber like vegetable

  • Cultivation of beneficial bacteria

    Prebiotics used for food of beneficial bacteria

  • Dying away of harmful bacteria

    Dying away of harmful bacteria causing skin troubles


1. It is indigestible substance helping bacteria beneficial to skin grow
2. It exists as dietary fiber.
3. Serving as nutrient of probiotics, it improves skin environment.
4. It helps bacteria beneficial to skin grow, and bacteria harmful to skin die away.

Prebiotics serving as food for beneficial microbes

'Bacteria existing on the surface of skin'

The proportion of beneficial bacteria is about 30%, and that of harmful ones is about 70%

'Cause of pimples'

They are created when wastes and bacteria block pores and obstruct smooth secretion of sebum, making harmful bacteria breed enormously.

Is dermatology clinic the only place we should visit to treat skin diseases?

U-MINE offers improvement and solutions of dangerous beauty care environment where there are no beneficial bacteria because self-generated antibiotic substance killed all the beneficial and harmful bateria.

Prebiotics serving as food for beneficial microbes

'Bacteria existing on the surface of skin'

The proportion of beneficial bacteria is about 30%, and that of harmful ones is about 70%

'Cause of pimples'

They are created when wastes and bacteria block pores and obstruct smooth secretion of sebum, making harmful bacteria breed enormously.

Is dermatology clinic the only place we should visit to treat skin diseases?

U-MINE offers improvement and solutions of dangerous beauty care environment where there are no beneficial bacteria because self-generated antibiotic substance killed all the beneficial and harmful bateria.